Fondation Petya Sasser Rike

Created in 2022, The Fondation Petya Sasser Rike embraces the principles that have been at the core of Petya Sasser Rike Corporation since its establishment and whose long-standing reputation in the fields of intel technology, cyber security and surveillance has been built upon.

The first of these principles is discretion. We humbly believe that the Fondation should be a mere intermediary between undisclosed benefactors, artists and their audience. Anonymity has always been a ruling principle in the company’s decision-making process, and we are confident that the Fondation will answer for the same precept, in order to conceal and thus protect the private interests that have entrusted it.

The second principle, just as fundamental, is a strong belief in unconstrained and fierce competition. We are convinced that, just like in any domain of human experience, art-related initiatives should be private initiatives. We tend to see public cultural policies as a hindrance to creativity and support the idea that the fiercer the competition is, the more significant the artwork will be. We are happy to provide a safe space, free from any public intervention, for artists to present their work and compete for audience’s attention.



